Each month we will celebrate positive student attendance from the previous month. The structure will always be: "More Time Monday", "Teacher Tuesday", "Wacky Wednesday", and "Feed Me Friday".
More Time Monday: Grade level recognition for the highest percentage of students with zero tardies for the previous month. Students will be released 5 minutes early for Break. I will send an email to the grade-level team the week before, and an announcement will be made on the day of.
Teacher Tuesday: Teachers will place their "Perfect Attendance" sign outside their classroom door if they have zero absences and zero tardies during the designated period. Signs were given out last year. If you need a new sign, please reply to this email. New Teachers will find their signs in their classroom on Monday morning or before.
Wacky Wednesday: We will close off a section of the campus at both lunches for the grade level with the highest percentage of students with zero tardies. We will have games and music to celebrate these students.
Feed-Me Friday: All students with perfect attendance the previous month will come by Mr. Katona's room for a food treat during their lunch. Perfect attendance lists will go up on Monday mornings at the window next to ASB.
Perfect Attendance Recognition: Every month we will celebrate every student with perfect attendance by sending them an award certificate via email. Students with 1 or 2 absences will also receive a "Good Attendance" award.
All students with perfect attendance will be entered into a drawing. Three students from the drawing will be chosen to come down and pick a reward from the reward table at each SOM assembly.