Canyon Lake Middle School

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SS8 (Period 2)

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 1. Q.O.D.-In what ways was the founding of the Massachusetts colony different from Rhode Island?  How were they similar?  Please write 3 to 4 sentences.  See 39-40 if need be.
2. Students finished their summary of early colonial governments.
3. Students did letters E to H for Rhode Island, which is found on their ABC's of the Colonies page.
4. Students created their flags for Roger Williams. Each flag should contain 3 things.  Roger Williams initials and 2 symbols that represent him. On the back, write 2 to 3 sentences that explain the meaning of initials/symbols.
5. Teacher modeled the correct way to do a summary.


 1. Q.O.D.#3-The Massachusetts Colony formed their government and/or society around what?  Which book was crucial to their development?  What did they (people from Massachusetts) that the church of England could not provide? See page 39 if you need help.
2. Students summarized, in 4 to 5 sentences, how early colonial governments were run.
3. Teacher began to talk about the colony of Rhode Island.


 1. Q.O.D.#2-Pick either the New England, Middle, or Southern Colonies. What was the climate like? How did the people make a living?  What were some of the resources that were plentiful in this region.
2. Students and/or teacher read pages 38-39 of their textbooks.
3. Students watched a short clip on the Massachusetts colony.
4. Teacher modeled the proper way to do a summary.(per. 2 only)
5. Students started working on the summary of how early colonial governments were run.(per. 2 only)
6. Students finished 3 column chart on the three regions of the 13 original colonies. (per. 4 only)


 1. Q.O.D.-What do you like about history? Why? What do you dislike about history? Why?
2. Students set up their Table of Contents.
3. Students made a 3 three column chart. The three sections were: New England Colonies, Middle Colonies, and Southern Colonies. In each section, students numbered them 1 to 3. Students were responsible for reading and writing about one section. After which, they met up with two other people who reported on the other two sections.  All in all, they should have information on all 3 sections when they are finished. Information for this is found on pages 37-38.