AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is a college preparatory program. Middle school level AVID students participate in college readiness and awareness activities such as visiting college campuses, researching and participating in a College Fair, taking the SAT9 exam, note taking and gaining exposure to various occupations that require college degrees from Guest Speakers throughout the year. Through the use of WICOR strategies: writing, inquiry, collaboration and organization, students will be prepared for the most rigorous classes in middle school and Advanced Placement courses at the high school level. Moreover, through the tutorial process, students not only learn inquiry-based strategies to solve their homework problems from core classes, they build solid relationships with classmates which are strengthened by attending exclusive after school events that result in a strong sense of community and family-oriented environment that in return builds self-esteem, communication, and confidence in each student. Application and Interview required.
What is AVID? A video for students and parents:
How do I apply?
If you are going to be in 6th, 7th or 8th grade next year (2019-2020) and would like to apply to the AVID program, please go to the CLMS AVID website to fill out an following application:
It's the data. AVID stands out in a sea of experimental, unproven programs. It has volumes of data validating exactly how and why it works, not to mention a 27-year track record of closing the achievement gap.
It's the standards. AVID not only makes the college dream accessible to traditionally underserved students, but it also helps schools meet state accountability measures.
It's the American Dream. College may not be for every student, but every student should have the opportunity to attend a four-year college.
It's the right thing to do. Who can argue with creating greater equity for thousands of students who until now have not had access to academically challenging classes?
It's the economy. We need an educated workforce and can't afford to leave anyone behind. Business supports AVID because it ensures that more students are trained to think critically, overcome obstacles and work in teams