
1. Teacher reviewed questions to CNN 10 Quiz #1(per. 2 only)
2. Students took CNN 10 Quiz #1(per. 4 and 6 only)
3. Students continued to work common assessment #2 (per. 2 and 4)
4. Students worked on a top 5 list of things people will remember about The War of 1812. (per. 6)
5. Students and teacher read page 172. We watched a short parody on The Monroe Doctrine. (per. 2 and 6 only)
6. What If Statement #1 (per. 6 only) What if J. Monroe had not decided to follow an aggressive foreign policy? How might the world have looked at us, the U.S., differently? Would the Americas be the same place it is today?  In a freewrite format, write a 1/3 to 1/2 of a page on this topic. (per. 2 and 6 only)