Canyon Lake Middle School

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Students » Clearing Absences - New Board Policy

Clearing Absences - New Board Policy

The Governing Board took action in December to approve a change in policy regarding the amount of time parents have to clear a student's absence. The new policy states that all absences must be cleared within five days of the absence. The policy applies to students in all grade levels.

To clear a student's absence from school at Canyon Lake Middle School please call 951-244-2414.

Truancy Letter 1 is mailed out after 3 days or 18 periods of unverified/unexcused absences.
Truancy Letter 2 is mailed out after 6 days or 36 periods of unverified/unexcused absences.
Excessive excused letters are mailed out after 14 days of excused absences without a doctor note.
Once a student receives a Letter 2, a meeting will be scheduled with parents/guardians
Tardy Policy
Bell Schedule

6-8 M,T           Wednesday         6-8 TH,F

7:40-1:57         7:40-12:54          7:40-1:57