
1. Wednesday's DLR for Week 21
2. The Man Behind The Method reading comprehension. Additionally, use must underline and label where you found each of the four questions.
3. We finished reading from Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas, an American Slave on pages 145-147 (per. 1/3)
4. Students copied down and started questions 3 and 4 on Text Dependent Chart #1 3. Reread lines 84-92. Explain what happened as a result of the dialogue. Why was the dialogue so interesting to Douglas and what effect did it have on him? 4. Reread lines 112-120. Explain what Douglas believed his ability to read had caused. Cite evidence to show why he felt that way.(per. 1/3)
5. Students finished Think Pair Share #1 assignment (per. 5 only)