
1. Tuesday's DLR for Week 24
2. Teacher read part of and students finished pages 157-162 of "from Harriet Tubman Conductor on the Underground Railroad".
3. Students completed questions 3-5 for Text Dependent Chart #2
3. Find information on lines 216-221 that connects to earlier event. What does this comparison to an earlier event suggest about Tubman? 4. Reread lines 261-268. Identify a sentence that expresses the fugitives' changed attitude. What do the synonyms implicitly and totally imply? 5. Identify details that contrasts Canada and Maryland.
4. Students put the title Interesting Characteristics Chart in their journals. Basically, students made 3 columns: Characteristics, Evidence (2-4 sentences long), and Why It Interests You. Also, number each column 1 to 3 in each category. In pairs, students looked for characteristics that H. Tubman had that interested them.