
1. Q.O.D.-Look at pages 227-228. Tell me how the American public felt about James Monroe. Give 2 reasons, from text, to support your position. This needs to be a 3 sentence minimum.
2. Students watched a part of 02-26-19 CNN10 about Trump's visit to Vietnam to meet with the North Korean leader. Students need to watch about 3:30 minutes worth of this episode.
3. Students read pages 229-231. They stopped at Supreme Court Decisions Expand Federal Power. With this, students made the title Stable Economy Chart in their Table of Contents. On this chart, they made 2 columns which are Action (1-2 sentences long) and How It Helped (2-3 sentences long). Basically, students need to find 3-5 ways the government attempted to improve the economy. Additionally, students needed to say how these different actions helped the overall economy of the U.S. after The War of 1812.