
1. Wednesday's DLR for Week 27
2. A Look at Hearing reading comprehension (per. 1/3)
3. Teacher discussed the difference between emotion and logic (per. 1/3)
4. Students made a section in their Table of Contents titled Logic vs. Emotion. On this chart, there are 3 columns which are: Types of Reasoning, Example, and How Do You Know? Teacher asked for 2 examples of each type of reasoning from the story "Is 16 Too Young To Drive A Car?" Below this chart, it says, "Which is better? Logic or Emotion? In 2-3 sentences, students needed to tell the teacher which is the better form of reasoning and why (per. 1/3)
5. Finished common assessment #3 (per. 5)
6. Some students finished their common assessment from period 3.