
1. Tuesday's DLR for Week 31
2. Surveying the Text assignment 1. What are the titles for the articles? Based on the titles, what do you think each article is about? 2. Article 1 has a second title called a subtitle. What does the subtitle tell you about the topic?
3. Article 2 is called "Rejecting All Lies: Immanuel Kant. What does that tell you? Take a look at the first sentence to give you some information on the topic, and then read the italics in Paragraph 4. What does Kant seem to believe? Why are the words in italics?
4. Article 3 is written in a different format than others. Look carefully at the bold print. Why are some of the lines bold? Why is Blanton all in capitals in every other paragraph?
3. Students made the title Compare and Contrast Words in their Table of Contents. Then, they made 3 columns on this assignment which were labeled as follows: Word, Compare,and Contrast. In pairs, students wrote down words that were different and both similar from the following words: 1. rueful/ruefully: showing that you wish something had not happened but you accept it, 2.moral/morality: standards of good behavior, 3.credible/credibility: able to believed or trusted, 4.currency: 1. money 2. acceptance or use by people (e.g. to gain or lose currency). 5. inherent: a natural part of something that cannot be separated, 6. exile: to be banished or sent away from your home country, 7. pervasive: existing or spreading everywhere, and 8. emulate: to copy someone's behavior