
1. Q.O.D.-What took place at Fort Sumter? Who was defeated? Who won? What event was this the start of? See 416 if need be.
2. Students finished Strengths and Weaknesses Chart in their journals. In order to do this, students had to watch the following YouTube video:
3. Students looked at image on 419. They made the title Making Headlines #3. Obj: If you were a reporter writing about what happened in Baltimore, what would the headline be? Compose it as a Twitter post with a creative hashtag.
4. Students read pages 420-421. Students made the title Contrasting Visions Chart in their journals. Basically, they made a T-chart. On the left was A. Lincoln and on the right was J. Davis. Students needed to write 2 things on each side. The focus needed to be on both men's leadership styles and/or role as a leader to either side of the Civil War.