Canyon Lake Middle School

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1. Tuesday's DLR for Week 28
2. Some students showed the teacher Compare and Contrast Chart #2. Teacher provided input on what needed to be changed for these essays.
3. Students worked on paragraphs 2 to 4 of Compare and Contrast Essay #2.


1. Monday's DLR for Week 28
2. Students worked on Compare and Contrast Chart #2
3. Students worked on their introductions for Compare and Contrast Essay #2


1. Students took The Million Pound Bank Note Vocab. Test
2. Students finished Compare and Contrast Chart #2


1. Thursday's DLR for Week 27
2. Students, along with the teacher's help, brainstormed possible similarities and differences between "The Prince and The Pauper" and "The Million Pound Bank Note" in the form of a Venn Diagram.
3. Students began working on Compare and Contrast Chart #2


1. Wednesday's DLR for Week 27
2. Students finished "The Million Pound Bank Note".
3. Students made a T-Chart. On one side, it says things money can buy and on the other side it says things money can't buy. Students had to write 5 things on each side.
4. Students set up Compare and Contrast Chart #2 for tomorrow


1. Students did Tuesday's DLR for Week 27
2. Students did Fun with Active and Passive Voice Worksheet (per. 1)
3. Active Voice Worksheet (per. 5)
4. Students and teacher read pages 270-274 of "The Million Pound Bank Note".
5. Students answered 3 questions. 1. Why did Henry occasionally wear his rags? 2. Who recognized Henry from frisco? 3. What did Lloyd Hastings want of Henry?


1. Monday's DLR for Week 27
2. Students handed in an argumentative paragraph on whether or not people have money deserve special privileges.
3. Some students contributed to Socratic Seminar #1 on the topic mentioned in #2.


1. DLR Quiz #26
2. CNN 10 Quiz #4 (per. 1 only)
3. Argumentative Paragraph #1-Is it okay to treat people differently just because they, presumably, have lots of money? Provide reasons for your position as well as the opposite of your stance.


1. Thursday's DLR for Week 26
2. Students and teacher read pages 268 to 270 of "The Million Pound Bank Note".
3. Freewrite #2-Some people who won a large amount of money have said it's the worst thing to ever happen to them. Why would someone say that? Please write 4 to 5 sentences on this topic.


1. Wednesday's DLR for Week 26
2. Students and teacher read pages 265 to 267 of "The Million Pound Bank Note".
3. Students started working on vocab. sentences #10, which basically has students use of the words from "The Million Pound Bank Note" in a way that shows the teacher they understand the meaning of the words.


1. Tuesday's DLR for Week 26
2. Students answered Think it Through questions, 1 to 3, on page 157 in the Bridges to Literature series. Seeing as students don't have a copy of this book, they'll need to come in at break or lunch to make up this assignment.
3. Students watched a short clip on life and times of Mark Twain.
4. Freewrite #1- Is the love of money the root of all evil? Please write 4 to 5 sentences on this topic. A few students discussed what they wrote.
5. Teacher, with the help of students, picked who will read various parts of "The Million Pound Bank Note".


1. Wednesday's DLR for Week 25
2. Students did either Mobile Meals on The Wagon Trail or The Letter reading comprehension.
3. Students were asked to have two students proofread Persuasive Essay #2.


1. Tuesday's DLR from Week 25
2. Mobile Meals on The Wagon Trail reading comprehension
3. Students worked on paragraphs 4 and 5 of Persuasive Essay #2.


1. DLR Quiz #24
2. Students completed the For or Against the Surgery Chart
3. Tagging Trash reading comprehension