Canyon Lake Middle School

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Language Arts 1 (Period 1)

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1. DLR Quiz #10
2. Rough Draft Essay Editing
3. Students wrote paragraph 5 of Persuasive Essay #1 (per. 3/5)
4. Students typed out final draft of Persuasive Essay #1 (per. 1)


1. Thursday's DLR for Week 10
2. Teacher explained tonight's homework
3. Teacher explained how to do the Rough Draft Essay Editing Sheet in groups of 3.(per. 1)
4. Students worked on paragraphs 4 and 5 of Persuasive Essay #1.
5. Students worked on paragraphs 3 and 4 of Persuasive Essay #1(per. 3/5)
6. Teacher discussed the results of the last essay with each students that turned in this assignment. (per. 3/5)


1. Wednesday's DLR for Week 10
2. Students worked on paragraphs 2 and 3 of Persuasive Essay #1(per. 1)
3. Students worked on paragraphs 1 and 2 of Persuasive Essay #1 (per. 3 and 5)


1. Some time was taken from SS for LA.
2. Students watched a short part of Monday, 10-22-18 edition of CNN 10, on the 5,000 people who are walking from Honduras to the U.S./Mexico border.
3. CNN 10 Freewrite #2-Does the U.S. have the responsibility to accept the 5,000 people who are on their way to our country?  Why or why not? Provide reasons for your position. Please write a 1/3 to 1/2 of a page on this topic.
4. We did our first Philosophical Chairs activity on #3.


1. Tuesday's DLR for Week 10
2. Students worked on Persuasive Essay Graphic Organizer #1 and/or paragraph #1 of Persuasive Essay #1.


1. Monday's DLR for Week 10
2. The Walla Walla Wallaby Foundation reading comprehension.
3. Persuasive Essay #1 Graphic Organizer
4. Presentations on why the author of "Scary Tales" felt it is okay to tell scary stories to middle school students (per. 3/5)
5. Teacher discussed the results of last essay with students individually.
6. Teacher showed students a sample of how to transition between paragraphs successfully.


1. Parts of Speech Quiz #2
2. In groups of 3, students looked at the story "Scary Tales" on pages 99 to 101. They made a T-chart.  On one side, it said the word quote.  On the other side, it said the word explanation. Students were responsible for looking for quotes that support the idea that is okay to tell scary stories to middle school students. After finding the quote, they were responsible for explaining them.
3. In groups of 3, students presented their findings.(per. 1 only)


1. Thursday's DLR for Week 9
2. Students read "The Tell Tale Heart" on pages 89 to 94 in their textbook. While doing this, they looked for 2 pieces of evidence that show that this story has elements of horror within it. Students used their Elements of Horror Top Ten List to assist them while doing #3.
3. Persuasive Paragraph #1 Obj: Persuade me to believe that "The Tell Tale Heart" has elements of horror in it. Provide textual evidence as support.


1. Monday's DLR for Week 9
2. Students read pages 35-37 and did questions 2-5 from the Close Reader book.
3. Students worked on Parts of Speech #1. On this assignment, there are 3 columns: Part of Speech, Definition, and Example. By looking at R29 in their book, students copied down both the definition and an example for each for a quiz on Friday.


1.DLR Quiz #8
2. Parts of Speech Quiz #2
3. Students began reading pages 35-37 out of the Close Reader and answering questions 2-5. This is not homework. It will be finished next week.


1. Thursday's DLR for Week 8
2. Compare and Contrast Paragraph #1 Obj: Compare and contrast Sharon A. Russell, the author of "What is the Horror Genre", thoughts about the horror genre and your own. Textual evidence by Russell must be included in your paragraph.
3. Students watched a short clip on Frankenstein
4. Students ripped out pages 35-40 in the consumable close reader books. We will work on this tomorrow.
5. Teacher, with the students' help, discussed possible topic sentences for Compare and Contrast Paragraph #1 (per. 3/5)


1. Tuesday's DLR for Week 8
2. Teacher discussed the 8 ways to use a comma in preparation for Wednesday and Thursday night's homework as well as the quiz on these next Tuesday, Oct. 16th, 2018.
3. Students made the Parts of Speech Chart #2 in their journals. Basically, there are 3 columns: Part of Speech, Definition, and Example. The 8 parts of speech found in this chart under the Part of Speech section are: verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction,coordinating conjunction, correlative conjunction, and subordinating conjunction. Students needed to provide the definition of each as well as give in example of each one. A quiz on this will be on Fri. Oct. 12th, 2018.
4. Teacher allowed students to make up 2 quizzes from Thurs. Oct. 4th, 2018 for those students that were absent on that day.
5. Puppies Behind Bars reading comprehension