Segment Ideas and Resources
Segments Ideas
- Vaccine Doughnuts at Krispy Cream (*Get the details) -- Go to Krispy Cream and get interview footage and b-roll
- Sunscreen sticker
- Rich on Tech (Sample Cool New Gadgets & Tech Reports)
- Classroom showcase Complete with interview and B-roll (*not a picture show of student work, but the Why, Who, When, How of the story)
- Funny commercial spoofs (*not real) (See example)
* Fact or Fiction
- Fake Facts (These are believed to be real, but are actually FAKE)
- REAL Facts (These are REAL facts)
- More REAL Facts (that sound fake)
- Fact or Folklore ("Fact or Fiction") 8 more facts and fictions
* Old Sayings
* The History Behind The Phrase "Did you ever wonder where _______ came from?"
- Report on how they are commonly used ("the meaning") and the origin/history of where they first originated.
- "Cat got your tongue"
- "The walls have ears"
- "Bury the hatchet"
- "Getting cold feet"
- "Caught Red Handed!"
- "Raining Cats and Dogs"
- "Blood is thicker than water"
- "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth"
- "Barking up the wrong tree"
- Etc......
* Wives' Tales
- Possible dialogs for introducing the segment.
2) An old wives' tale is a supposed truth which is actually spurious or a superstition. It can be said sometimes to be a type of urban legend, said to be passed down by older women to a younger generation. Such tales are considered superstition, folklore or unverified claims with exaggerated and/or inaccurate details.
Examples of old wives' tales include:
- Wearing eyeglasses unnecessarily could damage the eyes. [4]
- Toes pointed up signify low blood sugar.
- Letting a wound "dry out" is the proper treatment.[5]
- Cracking knuckles gives arthritis.[6][7]
- High heart rates during pregnancy lead to female children.
- Swimming with full stomach causes cramps, and one should wait an hour after eating before swimming.[8]
- Don't swallow gum or it will stay in your stomach for seven years.[9]
- Don't make silly faces or it will make the silly face permanent.
- Chocolate leads to acne.[10]
- Shaving makes the hair grow back thicker.[11]
- Eating crusts (of a sandwich) makes your hair go curly/you grow hair on your chest.
- The appearance of white spots on the fingernails (leukonychia) is due to lying or not eating enough green vegetables/calcium.
- It is somehow possible to swallow your tongue. [12]
Links to additional possible Wives' Tales to use:
- 8 Wives' Tales debunked
- Old Wives' Tales
- The truth behind 7 popular old wives' tales about being sick
- Trivia
- and many more!
Common Knowledge "Fun Facts"
I. News
a. School News *Cougar Connected (announcements)
b. Local News (Lake Elsinore/Canyon Lake)
c. National News
d. World News
e. Sports (PE "fastest Cougar", CLMS intramural sports, Cheer, & Dance)
II. Encouragement
a. Inspirational
b. Quotes
c. Clips
d. Stories
III. Facts
a. A Day in History
b. Did You Know?
c. Fun Facts?
IV. School Skills
a. College Prep. *College Knowledge - fun facts about going to college and/or about a particular college.
b. Test Taking Strategies
c. Note Taking Skills
d. Study Skills
e. Getting Ready for a Test
V. Technology
a. iPod apps for Education
b. Using Tech for School
c. Quick Tips
d. Photography tips
e. Technology at School
VI. Entertainment
a. New Music
b. Celeb. News
c. T.V. Shows
d. “Just For You”
VII. Personal Stories "Close up & Personal" "Getting Close Up & Personal With..."
"I know that Dude!" Interview assignment
a. Teacher Interviews "Get to Know" > Mystery Cougar(5 fun facts) > teacher interview
a. Teacher Interviews "Get to Know" > Mystery Cougar(5 fun facts) > teacher interview
> Mystery Cougar: (5 fun facts)
> Then "real" interview.
Possible Questions
b. Student Interviews "Get to Know" > Mystery Student (5 fun facts) > teacher interview
c. Alumni Interviews "Get to Know" > Mystery ??? (5 fun facts) > teacher interview
d. Staff Interviews "Get to Know" > Mystery Teacher (5 fun facts) > teacher interview
e. News on Previous Staff "Get to Know" > Mystery Teacher (5 fun facts) > teacher interview
b. Student Interviews "Get to Know" > Mystery Student (5 fun facts) > teacher interview
c. Alumni Interviews "Get to Know" > Mystery ??? (5 fun facts) > teacher interview
d. Staff Interviews "Get to Know" > Mystery Teacher (5 fun facts) > teacher interview
e. News on Previous Staff "Get to Know" > Mystery Teacher (5 fun facts) > teacher interview
> Mr. Surman, Mrs. Karvelot, Mr. Wierenga (What's are they up to now?)
VIII. Commercials
a. W.E.B.
b. The Barn
c. Breakfast Club
d. Yearbook
e. Cafeteria/Ala Carte
f. P.B.I.S. activities
g. Upcoming fundraisers
h. PTA events
i. Rally/Spirit Days
IX. PBIS segments
a. Tardies
b. Trash On Campus
c. Bullying
d. Being Safe
e. Being Respectful
f. Being Responsible
g. Recycling
h. Assembly behavior
X. P.S.A’s
a. Second Hand Smoke
b. Recycling
c. Wasting Time
d. Eating Healthy
e. Abuse
f. Drinking
g. Wearing Glasses
h. “Dis”Abilities
XI. Fundraisers
a. PTA Fundraisers
b. East Coast Trip
c. Band
d. Spanish
e. Science Camp
f. Garden
XII. Classroom Reports
a. Electives
b. 6th Grade Update
c. 7th Grade Update
d. 8th Grade Update
e. Science Labs
f. Student “STARS”
g. Class Competitions
h. What’s happening?
i. Award winning …
j. All About Allstars
k. PE
VIII. Commercials
a. W.E.B.
b. The Barn
c. Breakfast Club
d. Yearbook
e. Cafeteria/Ala Carte
f. P.B.I.S. activities
g. Upcoming fundraisers
h. PTA events
i. Rally/Spirit Days
IX. PBIS segments
a. Tardies
b. Trash On Campus
c. Bullying
d. Being Safe
e. Being Respectful
f. Being Responsible
g. Recycling
h. Assembly behavior
X. P.S.A’s
a. Second Hand Smoke
b. Recycling
c. Wasting Time
d. Eating Healthy
e. Abuse
f. Drinking
g. Wearing Glasses
h. “Dis”Abilities
XI. Fundraisers
a. PTA Fundraisers
b. East Coast Trip
c. Band
d. Spanish
e. Science Camp
f. Garden
XII. Classroom Reports
a. Electives
b. 6th Grade Update
c. 7th Grade Update
d. 8th Grade Update
e. Science Labs
f. Student “STARS”
g. Class Competitions
h. What’s happening?
i. Award winning …
j. All About Allstars
k. PE
l. Clubs
XIII. A Word from…
a. The Principal
b. The Vice Principal
c. The Superintendent
d. The Mayor
e. High School Students
f. Parents
g. Famous People
XIV. Miscellaneous
XIII. A Word from…
a. The Principal
b. The Vice Principal
c. The Superintendent
d. The Mayor
e. High School Students
f. Parents
g. Famous People
XIV. Miscellaneous
a. Prank of the week
b. Meme Review
c. How to Make
- What do you wish you had known before starting middle school?
- What advise do you have for new students?
> incoming 5th graders
> students transferring from other schools
- What does it mean to be a Cougar?
- What do you like about middle school, and/or CLMS?
e. Meaning of the day? (why are we celebrating the "day")
- Patriot Day (September 11th) a.k.a. 9/11
- Veteran's Day (November 11th).
> Who are we honoring
> Why is it November 11th? *ALWAYS the 11th of November
f. Parents say...
g. Famous People "Celebrity Cougar"
f. Parents say...
g. Famous People "Celebrity Cougar"
h. Random Numbers or Meaningful Numbers etc... - Formally known as: "Numbers"
i. Cougars Pay it Forward (Sample video)
> Random acts of kindness by students
j. Inspiring quote or video
Thank you to: Mrs. Either